JUMP WEATHER WINDOW   |  5th-9th September 

LOCATION  |  Waimea.
DIRECTIONS   Take the Cruiser Quad Chair (the furthest chairlift on the right as you are looking at a Thredbo Alpine Resort trail map) and when you unload at the top be sure to look up. You'll see it.

Since 2009, The Toyota One Hit Wonder Big Air has been a centerpiece on the Australian alpine calendar. This is an invitation only gold ranked AFP and World Snowboard Tour event with points up for grabs.

The big air jump feature is expertly crafted by Thredbo's renowned park team above the Cruiser Quad Chairlift at the top of Merritt's.

Interestingly it was originally named the "One Hit Wonder Down Under" because we were only going to run it once in 2009 as a fun send-off after the winter. Now it has become famous worldwide as an athlete focused end of season jam that sees the best names in the world of snow (including the likes of Olympian's Bobby Brown, Joss Christensen, Gus Kenworthy, Russ Henshaw, Jossi Wells, Oscar Wester, Anna Segal, Jesper Tjader and more) go head to head for cash and glory. Oh, and as you can tell, we haven't worked out how to change the name. It's probably too late now.


Think of the the GoPro Game Show as the AFP Big Air's chilled hippy cousin. After the world tour points have been handed out, the invited athletes will draw a team member or twoout of a hat and get creative in the soft spring conditions.

Previously the game show has played host maneuver's like Sam Ruttiman's naked 100 ft jump and Byron Well's mind bending landing-to-takeoff flat spin.

The athletes decide the rules in this colorful rendition of freeskiing competition that could pass as a modern day hot-dog event. Either way, with the sun shining and the music turned up to 11, it's free as always to watch the best in the world on Australia's biggest jump.

2017 Athlete
Watch 2015